Thursday, April 9, 2009

Thing 23

I just completed the survey. I think that was by far the easiest "thing" to complete. I am happy this is over but also kinda sad. It gave me something to look forward to each week. Now I have to go on looking for hope somewhere else... goodbye my Things..

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Thing 22

I can't believe I made it this far!! I am patting myself on the back as I write this...that is how talented I have become. Typing and patting...its like rubbing your tummy and patting your head only its the newer version..similar to Web 2.0.

Looking back at my Thing 1 post, I can honestly laugh at myself. I wrote about how hard it was to use I see how bad off I was! has become like second nature to use. It's easy and user friendly. What was I thinking? I have definitely learned a lot about different gadgets and new terminology and I feel a bit more at ease. Also, I don't have that look of a caveman who has never been out in the wild. I am an intelligent robot now. Robots are smart...right?

I never thought I would make it this far and I only held on because of the competition and not wanting to bomb at something. I am glad that I was able to keep up with the rest of the 23 Thing Participants and I can't wait to see what other challenges come my way. It's a great feeling to be in the technology loop.

Now for the last, but not least, Thing 23...

Thing 21

Wow, I love the assignment calculator! Being a college student can be particularly hard especially staying on top of assignments. I am one of those that works best under pressure so I wait until the last minute. The assignment calculator might actually help me plan things out sooner rather than later. It emails you alerts and keeps you on task..kinda like my parents used to do. Sometimes, lets face it, we all need a mom breathing down our necks to get work done. I'd like to think assignment calculator does that for you. If for nothing else, it reminds you that you only have so many days left before it's due and sends you email alerts each day on what you should be doing. I think it's a handy tool that every student, and adult could use in various ways; if not for school work, then work-work, or even a reminder for house work. I could use this for birthday reminders and all sorts of things, but I wont abuse it! There's widgets and gidgets for those things as well. By the end of this thing I will be a trained robot led only by widgets. Has Neflin added in turning me into a robot??...hmmm....I will have to Ask Jeeves what he thinks.

Btw, I found out a fun little fact about type in "Where is Chuck Norris" and click "I'm feeling Lucky" and see what it says. It cracks me up everytime.